Sports & Recreation - Wed, 15 May 2024 04:06:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 214887306 Thorhild Minor Ball sports a brand-new look Wed, 15 May 2024 04:06:14 +0000 By Brandie Majeau Thorhild Minor Ball, a local youth baseball and softball league, is all...

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By Brandie Majeau

Thorhild Minor Ball, a local youth baseball and softball league, is all set to kick off

their second year and an exhilarating new season. The league, which is back in action

after a hiatus of over two decades, is buzzing with excitement and anticipation. To mark

this momentous occasion, Kerrie Stanko, President of Thorhild Minor Ball, made a

thrilling announcement: they will be retiring their old, historic jerseys and unveiling a

brand-new look. While the old jerseys hold a special place in the heart of Thorhild Minor

Ball, the prospect of a fresh start and a new beginning is simply irresistible. The

excitement is palpable, and everyone is eagerly looking forward to the new season.

Thorhild Minor Ball deeply appreciates the invaluable support from their

sponsors DDC Sand & Gravel, Richardson Pioneer of Waskatenau, and Lube City from

Morinville. Their generous contributions have not only made the league’s operations

possible but have also created a safe and enjoyable environment for our young athletes

to hone their skills and forge lifelong friendships.

Thorhild Minor Ball is expected to have high numbers this year and will offer

various programs, including t-ball, 7U mixed, 9U mixed, and U11 & U15 softball for the

season. Fans are welcome to come and cheer on the players, who give their all on the

field, and join in the excitement and energy as games unfold and the season


Anyone wishing to support Thorhild Minor Ball further can head to Thorhild Co-op

on May 17th for their fundraiser BBQ. The proceeds will go towards supporting the

league and providing the young athletes with the equipment and resources they need to

succeed. The burgers and hotdogs will be delicious, and it is an excellent opportunity to

show your support for a great cause.

The players could not be more excited that they are a new generation and a new beginning for Thorhild Minor Ball.

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Thorhild Fun Hockey is a great alternative Wed, 13 Mar 2024 02:36:33 +0000 By Brandie MajeauThorhild Fun Hockey is pleased to offer a lower commitment, lower costalternative to...

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By Brandie Majeau
Thorhild Fun Hockey is pleased to offer a lower commitment, lower cost
alternative to participate in Canada’s national sport. With practices being held once a
week and generally games occurring once a month, the Fun Hockey teams allow
families time to breathe and enjoy the sport of hockey, with an emphasis on fun. The
purpose of Fun Hockey is to practice skills and the art of scrimmage at a more relaxed
This design encourages a strengthening of family bonds by emphasizing parent
interaction and help. Parents may help on and off the ice with no experience required.
Even refereeing is a parent option with training available (when the score is actually
kept). “We are not just hillbilly.” Joked one of the parents. There is always at least one
coach with their coaching level 1 and the game is not just shinny. Thorhild Fun Hockey
is a structured sport offering a set schedule and games.
The idea is to create a life including hockey that supports a healthy life and sport
balance. Parents will not be pulled in opposite directions with siblings tagging along as
games consume entire weekends. For team members of Fun Hockey, games are
generally staged close to home, attempting to limit travel to within 1.5 hours of Thorhild.
Games are also generally scheduled on Saturday mornings, leaving the rest of the
weekend to be free for family. And games are never scheduled on back-to-back
Thorhild Fun Hockey must be addressing a need in the community, as
approximately forty players between the ages of 4 – 17 take to the ice each week. The
parents are happy and enjoy the leisurely pace that fun hockey focuses on. Teams are
split by age and skill and are not required to have a set level of players per team,
creating three levels of Fun Hockey teams for the 2023/2024 year. Thorhild Fun Hockey
is always looking for fresh players to join their hockey family. The last game of the
season will be held on March 16 th , but Thorhild Fun Hockey looks forward to welcoming
any new faces when registration opens again in the fall, mid-October.
To understand more about the vision and mission of FunTeam sports, visit

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Redwater Curling Club will sweep you off your feet Wed, 21 Feb 2024 03:30:32 +0000 By Brandie MajeauThe Redwater Curling Club boasts approximately forty members this year and isenthusiastic about...

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By Brandie Majeau
The Redwater Curling Club boasts approximately forty members this year and is
enthusiastic about welcoming fresh players of any skill level. Having been an association since
1955, the original Pembina building housing six sheets of ice that were full every year, the club
maintains its efforts to remain an outstanding organization within the community. The
excitement for the sport previously boasted an upstairs bar and viewing area to cheer on the
teams and players.
The Redwater Curling Club is currently invested in getting more adults and youth
interested in the sport, not only hosting an adult’s club but also a Junior Curling Cub (ages 9-18)
on Monday evenings. The beauty of curling is its timelessness. The sport may be enjoyed by
men, women, and children of a variety of ages, encouraging participation to members early on
and well into their 80s and 90s. Curling conveys a team effort and an ideal social impact,
drawing in players from all levels of society and backgrounds.
Curling is also a fantastic sport due to its straightforwardness, ease of understanding,
low cost of equipment and fees, and many health benefits. The sport allows for a multitude of
ranges of motions and skill levels, building stamina, core strength, and muscularity with gentle
movements, and is also a way to maintain movement as the game progresses back and forth
along the ice. Ask any curler and they will expand on the many reasons why they were drawn to
curling and why they continue to come back year after year.
Redwater Curling Club, including its junior members, is no different. There is always an
air of excitement at each session. The welcomes are heartfelt, and smiles are genuine as
brooms are cradled in arm bends and sliders are fitted over shoes. The Redwater Curling Club is
only a sliver of the Canada-wide sport that encourages fitness and entertainment for any age
and ability. Their annual Bonspiel will be held April 5-7, 2024. This is an Open Bonspiel with a
cost of $165/team and is welcome to all. All interested teams or anyone looking to become an
adult or junior club member can inquire at

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Thorhild and Redwater host Female Hockey Day Wed, 07 Feb 2024 02:33:30 +0000 By Brandie MajeauHockey Alberta has created an initiative of an annual Female Hockey Day, established...

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By Brandie Majeau
Hockey Alberta has created an initiative of an annual Female Hockey Day, established in
2018, it encourages the celebration of female hockey players and aims to further support their
growth and development. This is a province wide program with up to ten community
associations receiving grants from Hockey Alberta to host their own Female Hockey Day
celebrations. Thorhild and Redwater Minor Hockey joined forces, received one of these grants
and invited girls aged 5-18 to register to attend an afternoon of girl power and hockey.
Thirty young women registered for the experience. Most registrants have been playing
hockey between 2-5 years, however four of the participants had never played before. Many
parents and volunteers of the Female Hockey Day expressed surprise at the overwhelming
response, pleased with the great turnout. The event kicked off with free pizza and popcorn as
the Professional Women’s Hockey League game was broadcast onto a giant screen for the
youth to enjoy, cheering on their favorite teams and players. Each girl was also gifted swag bags
full of treats and goodies (including team head scarves) handed out to commemorate the
The afternoon progressed as each player donned their skates, helmets, and gear and
headed to the ice for half an hour of skills & drills followed by a half hour friendly game. The
freshly groomed rink became a flurry of scraping skates and gliding pucks, the smack of sticks
against ice and rubber connecting with boards. Experienced players took their warmups
gracefully, pausing occasionally to encourage younger players in puck passing and stick
handling. Coaches called out orders, some players exuding confidence while an occasional
wobble of uncertain ankles showed trepidation. As commented by a viewing parent of a new
player, the process is so exciting, but intimidating.
Redwater and Thorhild Minor Hockey worked together to put on an amazing event,
highlighting what Female Hockey Day is all about. The young ladies coming together on January
28, epitomized encouragement and support, and the empowerment that comes with it. These
are the youth of a next generation of future women athletes. They are setting the foundation
for their future and defining themselves with strength, endurance, team commitments and
leaderships skills. These are a group of young ladies that will stand tall and proud as they learn
from their challenges and look back upon the memories of their growth and a shared love of
the game.

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Hockey collaboration Wed, 07 Feb 2024 02:30:07 +0000 For the second consecutive year, Thorhild Minor Hockey collaborated with Redwater Minor Hockey to enlist...

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For the second consecutive year, Thorhild Minor Hockey collaborated with Redwater Minor Hockey to enlist goalie coaches from Gold in the Net to train their goalies. Gratitude is extended to both the Hockey Alberta Foundation and the Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation for the grants that supported local minor hockey organizations, enabling the provision of this valuable opportunity. Additionally, appreciation goes to the Gold in the Net coaches for delivering an exceptional experience to the goalies, enhancing their confidence and skills in the net.

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Alberta Floor Curling Association Tue, 21 Nov 2023 03:19:02 +0000 The Alberta Floor Curling Association tournament takes place twice a year at the Redwater Pioneer...

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The Alberta Floor Curling Association tournament takes place twice a year at the Redwater Pioneer Club. The November 17 event featured 20 teams, each consisting of seniors from various locations in northeast Alberta. During the tournament, every team engaged in three games. The prizes awarded were $100 for the first-place team, $80 for the second-place team, $60 for the third-place team, and $40 for the fourth-place team.

Redwater Pioneer Club expresses thanks to Ideal Signs for the new score boards

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Thorhild Central School Wed, 01 Nov 2023 17:53:16 +0000 The Grade three class at Thorhild Central School had an enjoyable time as they embarked...

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The Grade three class at Thorhild Central School had an enjoyable time as they embarked on an exploration of different liquids, including vinegar and baking soda.

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Volleyball match Tue, 17 Oct 2023 23:29:30 +0000 On Thursday, October 5, the Redwater School senior high boys’ volleyball team engaged in an...

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On Thursday, October 5, the Redwater School senior high boys’ volleyball team engaged in an exhibition match against a squad of Renegade alumni. The match proved to be enjoyable and competitive, allowing former students the chance to reestablish connections amongst themselves and connect with the present high school students. Gratitude was extended to certain members of the senior high girls’ volleyball team for their assistance in refereeing and scorekeeping.

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Undefeated record for the Renegades! Wed, 04 Oct 2023 02:00:33 +0000 The Redwater School Sr. Boys team achieved an undefeated record in their home tournament last...

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The Redwater School Sr. Boys team achieved an undefeated record in their home tournament last weekend, earning a well-deserved Gold. Congratulations to the Renegades for a job well done.

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Redwater Renegades Wed, 04 Oct 2023 01:54:24 +0000 On the date of Monday, September 18, the Redwater Renegades Senior High golf team proudly...

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On the date of Monday, September 18, the Redwater Renegades Senior High golf team proudly represented their school at the zones held in Edson. Remarkably, the boys secured a commendable 3rd place finish, while the girls clinched an impressive 1st place. Well done, team!

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