By Brandie Majeau
“Welcome! Welcome! Come in!” The Thorhild & District Agricultural Society presented its
annual Light Up Party at the Thorhild Agriplex on December 3, inviting community members to come as
families and enjoy a few hours with friends and, of course, Santa. With Shell and North Corridor Co-op
as contributing donors to the event, the ag society was able to host an amazing affair. A table was piled
high in Christmas gift fashion with dozens of festive craft kits for each child to select. Tables were lined
in greens and reds, offering the perfect place to dump open boxes and work on various projects.
Santa had made his way to town after a variety of events in neighboring communities and was
found relaxing and enjoying himself on the ice. Everyone was welcome to pull on their skates and test
their skills against the jolly man himself. After stretching his legs and showing off his skating abilities,
Santa was ready to grab a chair and find out who had been naughty or nice. Armed with ag society
volunteers as stand-in helper elves, Santa doled out treat bags and waited patiently for little ones to
take their turn for photo opportunities and the once-a-year chance to say hello to the man of the
The evening drew to a close as projects were completed, and skates were tucked back into bags.
Tummies were full of hotdogs, hot chocolate, cookies, and candy canes, and it was time for Santa to say
his goodbyes and the arena lights to be turned off. Guests delighted in enjoying one more surprise
before heading on their way. A dazzling firework show elicited oohs and awws and shrieks of joy. Each
pause in the show had people turning towards their vehicles, ready to head home, only to be drawn
back as the display continued. The fireworks continued to crack through the night sky, colors bursting in
dazzling effects, finally fading and concluding with a round of applause and cheers, signaling goodnight
from the annual Thorhild Light Up.
Santa pulls on his skates

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