Fundraiser for archery tournament 

By Irene van der Kloet 

Students of the H.A. Kostash school in Smoky Lake have figured out that if you want something, you’ve got to work for it. At the end of July, they are taking a trip to South Africa to participate in an archery tournament. Participation in this tournament is a massive achievement for the 11 students. It is also an opportunity to learn more about the continent and participating countries and go on a safari. There will be several African countries to compete against, such as Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe and South Africa—the chance of a lifetime. But a trip like that is costly, so they have been busy throughout the year fundraising. On June 1st, they organized a major fundraiser with a spaghetti supper, an extensive silent auction, several draws and, as the primary attraction, rubbing a pie in the face of a local celebrity! Nine local celebrities had made themselves available to “receive” a pie: School Principal Mykytiuk, Vice Principal Lamouche, Deputy Fire Chief Kotylak, Mayor Cherniwchan, County Councillor Serben, Family School Liaison Melnyk, RCMP Sergeant Genereaux, Town Councillor Morton and past Mayor Holowaychuk. The students had tried their very best; the tables along the walls of the Ag Complex were filled with silent auction items. There was something for everyone on those tables, and many things went for a high price. A nice barbecue was a major attraction for buying draw tickets. The spaghetti supper and strawberry shortcake dessert were delicious, but the most anticipated and popular event – and kept as the finale – was the pie in the face event. Sitting on the podium in three rounds, the recipients took their seats, got covered with an apron, and awaited their destiny. At that time, it was already 8:00 p.m., and most of the audience that came for supper stuck around for this event. Most recipients seemed to take this with a smile. After all, they were doing this for a great cause, even though it meant walking around with cream in their hair. Students, organizers and everyone who helped can reflect on a successful event.