Local graduate receives Legacy Scholarship

By Brandie Majeau

The Radway Lions Club recently celebrated local graduate Aurora Martens with an

outstanding achievement by presenting her with the 2024 Lions Legacy Scholarship. The Lions

Legacy Scholarship is a wonderful opportunity for young individuals in Alberta to receive

recognition for their commitment to community service and academic achievement. This

joint venture between local Lions clubs and the Lions of Alberta Foundation offers up to

$500 to match a similar amount provided by the local Lions Club. The scholarship is

aimed at students who live in each regional district, have graduated from Grade 12, or

will graduate at the time of application, and have been accepted to a postsecondary

institution for further education.

Applicants must commit to humanitarian causes by actively volunteering in their

communities. The scholarship places a strong emphasis on community service and

seeks to reward those who embody the Lions’ service-oriented philosophy. Students are

required to submit various items to their local Lions Club, including a student application

form, a transcript of their most recent marks, confirmation of acceptance to a

postsecondary institution, and letters of reference. Additionally, applicants are asked to

write a one-page letter expressing why they should receive the award.

Individual Lions Clubs may present multiple scholarships annually, with the

foundation grant limited to two per club per year. This scholarship is a great opportunity

for young individuals to be recognized for their dedication to serving their communities

and achieving academic success.

Aurora will be fulfilling a childhood dream of living in Victoria while earning a

Bachelor of Arts in the University of Victoria Climate Science Program. The Radway

Lions, along with the entire community, stand behind Aurora, recognizing the countless

hours of hard work and dedication. The Radway Lion’s Club expresses its

congratulations on this major accomplishment and wishes the best as Aurora’s journey

begins for the next chapter of life.