A journey across the world

By Brandie Majeau
Newbrook Public Library kicked off its summer programs with an exclusive
armchair tourist evening on June 20. The Northern Lights Library System has themed
this summer “Beyond the Beaten Path.” Using that as a loose guide, librarian Tracy
Woloshuniuk extended a special invitation to CFCW’s Dean Thorpe, Alberta Ag
Show—Weekdays 12:00 pm—1:00 pm, to share his extensive travels, offering local
patrons a wonderful glimpse and privileged chance to experience the world through his
captivating stories.
Dean Thorpe, a native of Melville, Saskatchewan, started his journey in the
broadcasting industry in 1986. After gaining valuable experience, he made the move
west in 1995.Initially, he focused on covering general news, demonstrating his
versatility. However, in 2006, he took on the role of hosting CFCW’s Ag Show.
Reflecting on this career shift, Thorpe expressed that it was one of the best decisions
he has ever made, second only to marrying his wife, Carolyn.
During this evening event at Newbrook Public Library, Thorpe and his wife
enthralled the audience with fascinating tales, breathtaking photos, and captivating
videos from their journeys to China, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Morocco, Croatia, Italy,
and many other destinations around the world. Through their remarkable gift for
storytelling, the Thorpe’s managed to transport patrons to these distant lands, allowing
them to vicariously experience the thrill of adventure and exploration. Thorpe’s ability to
captivate the audience created an enchanting and immersive global escape within the
confines of the library. The Thorpe’s emphasized to the group that travelling to another country,
and experiencing a new culture gives you a very different perspective on the world.
The Newbrook Public Library sincerely appreciates Dean and Carolyn Thorpe for
their enriching visit, which expanded their perspectives and transported them on a
remarkable journey spanning the oceans. The library looks forward to hosting a variety
of “Beyond the Beaten Path” events this upcoming summer and is currently looking for
more guests to present for Armchair Tourist evenings. Please contact Newbrook Public

Library if interested.