The Redwater and District Museum extends its sincere gratitude to Conifer
Energy for renewing the old sign at the Redwater Discovery Well-site. Larry
Hrynchuk approached Mr. Curtis Anaka with a request from the Redwater and
District Museum executive to have the sign remade in time for the
75 th Anniversary of the discovery of oil in Redwater. Thankfully Conifer Energy
agreed to funding the new sign and it was completed very soon after the request
was made.
In 1948 oil was discovered on the Hilton Cook farm, near Redwater. The resulting boom
changed this sleepy hamlet forever. Redwater and District Museum has captured the story
of “When Oil Hit Redwater” and it can be viewed at the Virtual Museum of Canada’s
website. This well site is still active and therefore is not open to the public for viewing.
We contacted Mr. Curtis Anaka and he was kind enough to take us to the well site for a
picture. Anyone wishing to view the original well-site with its beautiful sign should contact
Conifer Energy.
Again, The Redwater and District Museum wishes to gratefully thank Conifer Energy for
collaborating with us to make this new sign happen.
Sign renewal for the Redwater Discovery Well-site

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