By Brandie Majeau
“Today is a great example of what community is capable of doing. We asked our friends
to come and support a couple of our not-for-profits, and they came through with flying
colours.” Redwater Mayor David McRae really summed up the Mayor and Council Annual Golf
Tournament. Every year, the tournament is held to raise funds for different community
groups. Not-for-profit organizations need to apply to be one of the recipients of the funds
raised by the tournament. Last year, they raised approximately $8000. This year, the recipients
of the golf tournament donations are the Redwater Art Society and the Redwater & District
Seventy-two registered players and additional supper reception guests showed their
support on August 11 and represented a variety of regional stakeholders. The week had been
filled with rain and an unpredictable forecast, but Friday morning opened to sunny skies and an
obvious lack of precipitation. The wind was a welcome friend as it gently chased away the
mosquitoes. Thirty-three corporate sponsors and donors were quick to donate to the
occasion. Equipment such as barbeques, prizes and silent auction items were all in abundance
and immediate. It was commented on that when sponsors were invited to donate to the
charity event, you never have to ask twice. They always come through in spades.
In addition to the corporate sponsors, the tournament showed lots of strong volunteer
support. The tournament would like to recognize over forty volunteers and staff that worked
together to make this such a successful event. Events of this magnitude, with so many working
parts, take a lot to put it all together. Beginning with the organizers, team players step in to fill
the shoes of BBQ cooks, the constant need for running around, organizing raffles and auction
items, etc., right down to the team at Redwater Golf Course working hard to stay ahead of the
water in order for the greens to be playable. The entire tournament is a show of community
rallying together.
Even the local MLA dropped by the BBQ to show his support. He spoke of a community
spirit being alive and well in Redwater and was looking forward to riding in the parade the
following weekend for Redwater Discovery Days. CAO Ken VanBuul remarked that he is
relatively new to the community, having been here just over a year, and how this small
community never ceases to amaze him. Whether it be a church, an event or community need,
you see the community pride of everyone coming together.
The Mayor and Council Annual Golf Tournament was very successful. While the final
tally is still not completed at this time, it was exciting to announce that so far, the Redwater Art
Society and Redwater and District Museum will be receiving $1415 from the auction items and
$1480 from the Mulligan Raffle for Oilers tickets. Many commented on how well run and
organized it was and couldn’t see it going any better. The consensus seemed to be that there
was just the right number of players, the right number of volunteers, and the perfect
combination of how everything fell into place to make the day successful. The only unfortunate
part of the tournament was that there were no big winners this year for two hole-in-one
opportunities to win a truck from Redwater Dodge and $15,000 for Alberta Municipalities.
Jennifer Edworthy, Community Services Supervisor, offered the following statement: “I
would like to extend a special thank you to the 3 rd Canadian Division Support Group from CFB
Edmonton for attending our event, as it was an excellent opportunity for our regional
stakeholders to learn more about our military neighbours. Did you know that some of their
facilities, such as the Edmonton Garrison Fitness Centre, are open to public members and offer
a special membership rate to Sturgeon County residents? For sponsors looking to be involved
in this great community initiative or others, they can contact Community Services at or 780-942-4101.”
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