By Irene van der Kloet
The new, ultra-modern H.A.Kostash school in Smoky Lake is completed and will be open as of
September. A discussion has arisen in Smoky Lake about what to do with the old school. The
old school consists of two buildings: the main school building and a separate gym, which was
added to the premises in 1987. All buildings are owned by Aspen View School Division, which
has decided that these buildings should be demolished, but this has led to resistance as local
entrepreneurs Brian and Leesa Jones want to build an art gallery there. Initially, their focus was
on the small gym. “Why demolish a perfectly good building if it can be used for something else?”
Brian says. Brian and Leesa have written a proposal to the town and county for the building to
become an art gallery. “There are so many artists here in the community and surrounding area;
having an art gallery here would be a great attraction. I have spoken with the school’s art
teacher; she sounds interested as the kids could learn from the artists”. Local artists have
written letters of support, and a petition-signing action has started in town. Aspen View School
Division insists, and the demolition of the entire complex (gym and main building) remains
scheduled for August 1st. On June 20, the Town of Smoky Lake issued a press release
regarding the gym, saying that possibilities for repurposing the gym have been examined and
that a discussion was opened to the public in November 2022 for business opportunities. No
one came forward. In April, some residents came forward with interest in the gym, and
consequently, the town discussed a change order with Alberta Infrastructure. In May, Aspen
View informed the town of their decision to go ahead with the complete demolition of all
buildings after discussing the matter with Alberta Infrastructure. Brian and Leesa kept lobbying,
now for the main building. The Town of Smoky Lake discussed the case with the county. A
motion was made that “the Town of Smoky Lake support Smoky Lake County in a joint effort to
delay demolition of the original H.A.Kostash School for two months to Alberta Infrastructure,
with the understanding there will be no financial implications to the Town;” The motion goes on
to say that, if successful in the stay order, – that town and county partner on future development
opportunities. The reaction of Reeve Halisky leaves no room for questions:” The school is in the
town, and the county will not support any endeavours that will cost its taxpayers money.” Mayor
Cherniwchan of Smoky Lake commented:” In the beginning, there were no takers. At the last
hour, people requested to keep it. But we find as a council that it cannot cost the taxpayers any
money. Aspen View owns the building. We have asked for a delay in demolition from Alberta
Infrastructure. They have the last call.” Although there has been no cost to taxpayers in that
respect because nothing has been done so far, the hours of discussion among councillors about
the school while Aspen View had “demolition” scheduled from the commencement of
construction of the new school, have already added to taxpayers’ costs. The demolition date is
close: August 1. To be continued.
Old H.A. Kostash school to be demolished?

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