By Brandie Majeau
The Egremont Community Club was excited to welcome guests to Egremont Days on
June 3. Volunteers were hard at work early, cooking breakfast for those ready to get a head
start on their day. Once the pancakes were flipped and tummies were filled, the bright, sunny
day continued, with hundreds of guests participating in the celebration that was Egremont
Community Club’s 80 th anniversary. Vintage cars lined main street where people could wander
around and take in the unique vehicles of the Egremont Show & Shine that runs as part of the
The celebration kicked off with a parade that showcased many clubs, businesses and
organizations within the community and even featured Pembina’s amazing modern fire truck
with state-of-the-art technology. Children and adults alike scrambled for the generous
amounts of candy tossed from each float and had the fun of catching customized frisbees from
MLA Glen van Dijken. The afternoon offered guests a chance to sample from several food
trucks and a local ice cream vendor. They could enjoy live music at the beer gardens, and
children could participate in some games and face painting. The event would also not have
been complete without purchasing a ticket for a chance to win “chicken poop bingo.”
Thorhild Council member Angela Zinlinski was invited to speak at a celebratory cake
cutting (with enough free cake and ice cream for anyone wanting to accept a plate) and
expounded on the many things that have happened over the past 80 years. Egremont
Community Club has managed to survive through it all. Egremont Days continued into the
evening, and volunteers again donned their aprons to cook steaks and serve an amazing
Egremont Days an 80-Year Celebration

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