Anyone driving into Bellis on July 31 or August 1 would have noticed a field full of horse trailers on their left-hand side. They were there for the Randy Russ Memorial Barrel Race. Anne-Marie Russ organizes this race in memory of her late husband. “He started us barrel racing and was himself an accomplished rider and competitor. I wanted to make a fun event open to all levels of competition and promote the sport of barrel racing in our beautiful community of Bellis. Our event grows yearly with the support of our community, volunteers and generous sponsors.” Anne-Marie says about her barrel racing event. She has a beautiful and professionally set up facility for barrel racing. Competitors came from across the province for this event; some may have come from the Smoky Lake Stampede to their next event in Bellis. With many thanks to the sponsors, attractive prizes were to be won: four saddles (for 1D, 2D, 3D and 4D), blankets and several other items for horse lovers. Some vendors were on site with a variety of goods, as well as food vendors. The contribution of volunteers must not be forgotten; without them, events like this do not happen. Besides being an avid barrel racer, Anne-Marie is the local veterinarian in Bellis and the surrounding area with a very busy practice for all animals, large and small. It is therefore even more admirable that she finds the time to organize an event that brings so many people to the beautiful area of Bellis. Well over 200 participants competed in this event, among which 32 youth and eight PeeWee.
Randy Russ Memorial Barrel Race in Bellis

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